Friday, January 28, 2011

UK 'Skins' Not As Controversial As In U.S.

post thumbnail Company Pictures, the Brit production company which makes Skins for MTV, is ?extremely surprised? by the show?s U.S. furor. Especially as the raunchier Brit version aired on BBC America virtually without controversy and has just started its 5th season. The UK original has also been freely available on the Internet. Execs has been scratching their heads because the first U.S. episode of Skins�was almost a shot-for-shot remake of the UK original�-- but with the bad language and drugs references toned down from the British version which was far stronger in its depiction of drugs, sex, abortion, and self-harm. The show has never been that controversial here.�A psychiatric charity complained about the depiction of a counsellor beating one teenager to death with a baseball bat. But Channel 4 only received 11 complaints.�Not the show itself but the promos for the show have caused a little consternation. The UK broadcaster�showed a pub brawl in a promo that sparked criticism.�And�the advertising watchdog Advertising Standards Authority banned a poster promoting the show, showing teenagers taking part in an orgy. The ASA said the image "could cause serious or widespread offence" and shouldn't be seen by children. The UK version's insiders point out that�that child pornography laws are just as strict over here as they are in the U.S. So the show was not allowed to show nudity or simulated sex with under 18-year-olds.�And, as in the U.S. version, the nudity is ... Read More »


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